Thursday, November 15, 2012

Alternate work week and fire drill

This alternate work day is seriously fucking with my body clock. Deepavali and Awal Muharram happening on the same week. Although I wish for 3-4 working days a week, this is totally uncool. I can't take leave because it's my work deadline. Everyone is running around doing this and that before the biggest issue of the year comes out this month end. It's driving everyone nuts. Despite it being a holiday, we still work on our hand in anyway we can.

The worst thing that could happen to anyone is a surprise fire drill at work (on the day that we are require to work). So on Wednesday, I got to work early coz everyone has left town for their holidays. Arrived at work at 8am and walked to Starbucks for my daily dose of caffeine. I love school holidays coz everyone bugger off and leave the traffic clear for people that still works and that's how the roads should be.

Back to the main story of fire drill. 2 hours in at work, and there was a sudden announcement over the building's PA system. There was a report on a fire on the 4th floor and the man assure us that this is not an emergency and that we should not panic and stay put. Yadah yadah. And less than 3 minutes later, another announcement came on and asks us to leave the building and that we should not panic, walk calmly out of the building etc. Damnit! Here we are rushing on our work and this has to happen.

And so, I brought along my bag and an umbrella coz it was freaking hot out. Walked to the staircase (emergency exit area) and there was a throng of people walking down the stairs. Thank god I was wearing my usual ballet pumps. Descend...descend...all the way down from the 36th floor.

We are to gather at the carpark behind my office building in orderly manner. How can one be orderly when it's freaking hot? And everyone's sweating because of the walk down. Ewww sweat! I need a cold shower there and then.

My leg did not hurt despite the long walk down UNTIL I got home around midnight when I took a shower. My calves muscle was screaming in agony. How is it possible that the pain had delayed so long? Am I abnormal ? My body could not register the pain til so late. I am definitely abnormal.


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