Monday, September 26, 2011

Elevator Etiquette

#1 Thou shall not push your way in when it's obvious everyone wants to get inside the elevator
#2 Thou shall not take your own sweet time walking into the elevator when it's obvious everyone is late for work
#3 Thou shall not hog the electronic panel when you have no intention to hold the door for others
#4 Thou shall not force your way in when the elevator is FULL, you are NOT microscopic the alarm will go off
#5 Thou shall not force yourself in and when the alarm goes OFF and be nonchalant about it
#6 Thou shall get the hell outta the elevator when it's obvious you are the culprit
#7 Thou shall not talk on the phone while inside the elevator, don't make a fool outta yourself
#8 Thou shall not let others "forced eavesdrop" on your phone conversation for we don't fucking care
#9 Thou shall not block the way when someone wants to get the hell outta the elevator, you're not hollow neither are you invisible
#10 Thou shall not smoke inside the elevator, it's for getting from one floor to another. It's not your house

Sunday, September 25, 2011

ATB at Main Room, Zouk KL 23.09.11

ATB - Andre Tanneberger
My favourite DJ of all time recently came to KL and perform at Zouk KL. I was there with my brother and we were the first in line to get in to the Main Room. His performance was excellent and we loved every moment while he spins... but the bouncer's attitude was horrible, it's on par with their sound system.

ATB should perform at a different venue instead and the crowd sucks. And a lot of stinky armpits on that night. Thank God, we got there first and manage to choose the best spot in the house. Cooling and safe from pits aroma attack...

I hope that ATB will come back to Malaysia soon... it's my only consolation this year for I did not manage to buy Faye Wong's concert ticket... boohoo.....

What's up yo ??

It has been a while and I'm running outta excuses as to why I stopped blogging. There is only one truth... I've been super busy. The house is a mess, I'm a mess, the car needs washing and blah blah blah... and there's the constant need to socialise for work and leisure.

I'm exhausted....body system has gone haywire...and yet I am Bored with what I'm doing now. It's soooo routine... I need more excitement in life... I want BIG change...I want ADVENTURE... I want something and everything to be DIFFERENT...

What happened to me this year ? Hmmm...... lemme see...:
- My hamster went to Hamster Heaven early this year
- Maintaining my red color hair
- Bought a new camera coz old one died and snap away
- New hobby hated by snapping...irritate most ppl especially when extreme hunger strikes in and I take forever to snap the photo
- A lot of food hunts
- Received some free food as well... I know i look emaciated
- Hormone imbalance
- Had plenty of cakes for my birthday this year
- Played with lots of friend's kids... but don't want any of my own
- Continue to influence the world with my nonsensical philosophy
- Looking forward to Christmas coz it's my favourite festival of all

What I look forward to do in 2012?
- Fucking cancel my DiGi line once the contract is over and change it to anything but DiGi
- Learn how to take decent food photo
- Find time to blog more

Time to bugger off for dinner now....
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