Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Random rant on the eve of a National Public Holiday

I didn't realize that I have not posted anything in a while. What should I write ? Things that had happened recently? I noticed that people tend to want to read about certain things like hope to make something, camera stuff or travel ideas.

I wished that I'm still flying sometimes because there's so much more to talk about. And tips for first time travelers. I might just do that with some old photos. When I find the time.

This week is great for me coz I've been dying for a break. It feels that I haven't stopped working since late last year. And I just want to go somewhere, anywhere. I will not emphasize on work stress because it's unprofessional. And, work = stress. It speaks volume.

I'll be going to Penang again either tonight or early tomorrow morning. Time to visit my in-laws and friends. Mr BT's wife just gave birth about a month ago. Looking forward to seeing his baby boy.

I have to start taking photos again or else one of my new year's resolution will not be realized. Plenty of films screaming for attention and waiting to be exposed.

Will update more when I'm in Penang. Should I go to a play? And support a fellow colleague who's playing the leading role ?


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