Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I'm super duper happy today coz I can finally blog mobile-ly. I've tried logging in using the iPhone and it doesn't work. Quite pissy sometimes coz inspiration might be flowing at that time. Special thanks to Mr Hubs for making it happen. Love you long time!

The main purpose is to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

On a sadder note, Aunty H did not cook her delicious Christmas feast this year (miss out a lil on the Christmas spirit). However, there'll be a potluck Christmas dinner tomolo so it's not too bad. Time to spend with friends instead ^_^

I have lost 70% of my voice and it's a major bummer! I guess Ms JL will have to shout out greetings on my behalf to everyone.

For those who are traveling this hols season, be safe!


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