Sunday, September 25, 2011

What's up yo ??

It has been a while and I'm running outta excuses as to why I stopped blogging. There is only one truth... I've been super busy. The house is a mess, I'm a mess, the car needs washing and blah blah blah... and there's the constant need to socialise for work and leisure.

I'm exhausted....body system has gone haywire...and yet I am Bored with what I'm doing now. It's soooo routine... I need more excitement in life... I want BIG change...I want ADVENTURE... I want something and everything to be DIFFERENT...

What happened to me this year ? Hmmm...... lemme see...:
- My hamster went to Hamster Heaven early this year
- Maintaining my red color hair
- Bought a new camera coz old one died and snap away
- New hobby hated by snapping...irritate most ppl especially when extreme hunger strikes in and I take forever to snap the photo
- A lot of food hunts
- Received some free food as well... I know i look emaciated
- Hormone imbalance
- Had plenty of cakes for my birthday this year
- Played with lots of friend's kids... but don't want any of my own
- Continue to influence the world with my nonsensical philosophy
- Looking forward to Christmas coz it's my favourite festival of all

What I look forward to do in 2012?
- Fucking cancel my DiGi line once the contract is over and change it to anything but DiGi
- Learn how to take decent food photo
- Find time to blog more

Time to bugger off for dinner now....


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