Monday, December 27, 2010

What? Christmas is over ?

OMFG! Christmas is over! How did it happened?
I love Christmas especially the food. I am normally super prepared like buying gifts and at least organise dinner if there's none planned. This year though is a different story, I am caught off guard.

Once again, I shall not blame myself for being old and forgetful. I blame everything else. Haha I'm shitty like that, so what? I quit my job in August (burned out) and was jobless for 2 months (maximum enjoyment) and started work at a new place in November (love the office, hate the traffic!).

People remember to get me gifts and I did not return the favor, I feel shitty to say the least. Oh well, there's still next year I suppose. But dinner at Castell was wonderful, it was delish and among good friends. I was the only one working the next day, it was totally unfair!

Then on Christmas Eve, did not plan for anything and forgotten that all restaurant decided to have a Christmas set and are all fully booked. It was indeed not a good day for everyone except during the countdown to Christmas.

Christmas Night was the best of all. Delicious dinner at Aunt H & Uncle ML's place. A round of applause should be given to them for the wonderful dinner. Family members were there except a few did not turn up I wonder where there were. Anyways, most importantly I get to eat all the scrumptious food. And the kids (cousins) enjoyed themselves "murdering" the nice wrapping papers. Once they've started playing/reading their gifts, they don't have a care in the world. Sometimes I wonder whether they even care that we're actually there "aww-ing" and "ohh-ing" over the gifts they've got.

After that, we head off to BW's house for another round of Christmas dinner (konon-konon can still eat lar). By the time we got there, most of them are already drunk so scrap the plan of eating and started playing an "innocent" drinking game. It is always fun to see people get drunk.

I guess that wraps up what had happened the past few days. I need to put up some photos soon coz this blog is getting boring. I've got no time, big time career woman now (not!). Sleep is more important.


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